New Mom Quick and Easy Cleaning Tips

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You’re sitting on the couch, nursing your sweet baby, looking at everything around the house that needs to be done.

The dishes, the laundry, vacuuming the dirt and animal hairs on the floor. It’s been weeks since you cleaned the bathroom.

The dust and dirty things feel like they’re going to reach out and touch you.

But, you’re stuck on the couch with your wee babe. For forever, it feels.

I’ve been there. My baby girl was a cluster-feeder and wanted to nurse for hours, and stay attached while she slept a lot of the time.

I would seriously cry because I just wanted to do some housework. How crazy is that?! We usually cry when we have to do housework, but now I couldn’t do it and wanted to so badly.

It’s hard when you can’t do something…

But, the truth is that you can.

You do not have to be stuck on the couch day in and day out with your baby.

There are plenty of ways that you can get up and get some things done.

Now, if you are enjoying the break from the cleaning and aren’t going crazy to do it, then great! You do you, boo boo. Relax and love this simple time with your perfect bundle of joy there.

But, if you’re like me, itching to clean something, you’re gonna want some tips to getting it done.

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Share this page if you know a new mom who could use these tips to get off the couch or out of bed with their baby!

And comment below with which tip helped you the most. I’d love to hear from you!

Good luck, Mama Bears! Keep your chins up, always.

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