Goals are scary!

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I guess it isn’t so much the goal that is scary, but the setting of the goal, or more failing to meet the goal, or even failing to meet the setting of the goal!

See? It’s some crazy stuff!

Basically, I want to set a goal to work on my writing/copywriting/blogging for AT LEAST 20 minutes five days out of the week.

That really doesn’t sound like much, but that’s also the point.

As much as I want to not work my 9-5 job that I hate, it’s really hard to change my habits at home to be consistent in getting this going. It’s so easy to just sit on the couch with my boyfriend and watch our shows after the baby’s in bed, like we’ve always done. It’s hard to not just do what feels natural and normal.

It’s hard to do things differently.

And, let’s face it, it’s still work. I have to work after I work, so it makes part of me feel like a temper-tantrum-y child who just doesn’t wanna do it!! Hence, the reason for the short time goal.

I set that goal to myself several days ago, and only did it once, BUT I ended up doing 40 minutes instead of 20 and got a lot of work done on my copywriting assignment!

It felt really good to do that work. I felt like I had done so much in that amount of time and I felt accomplished, which isn’t something that I feel from my regular job. There is no fulfillment in what I do.

But, I felt very fulfilled that day, doing what I want to become my regular job.

I just now got off from my work and am deciding to take the time to do my 20 minutes here. And if I don’t get to the full 20, I’ll work on my copywriting a little more.

If I can keep up my goal consistently, I’ll be done with my assignment in no time (finally!!).

I am facing the fear now of saying my goal out loud (so to speak) for others to see. It definitely puts more pressure on, but sometimes more pressure is good.

I am scared that I won’t meet my goal, but I need to do it.

I hate having to work away from home and be gone from my baby so much.

My life is in my hands and this is how I’m taking control of it. Wish me luck!

P.S. to touch base on how it went from my last post, my laptop died shortly after I posted it,  so I didn’t get any copywriting work done ha! But, I did get a lot of work done the following day.. I ended up changing the lead of my assignment and really thinking more into the emotions of the copy, which came through better than the original lead I had.

All in all, I’m feeling very good about my assignment now.

Sharing is caring!

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