Procrastination, Or Not the Right Timing?

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Who else struggles with procrastination?

Everyone, right?

It’s one of the worst feelings, to know you have to do something, but you just don’t want to do it.

And then there’s the guilt that comes after, because you didn’t do what you needed to do.

But is it really procrastination or is it just not meant to be at this time?

I liked Wikipedia’s definition of procrastination:

“the avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplished. It could be further stated as a habitual or intentional delay of starting or finishing a task despite knowing it might have negative consequences.”

But then it said this:

“it can also be considered a wise response to certain demands that could present risky or negative outcomes or require waiting for new information to arrive.”

Sometimes it’s putting something off in the negative, other times it is waiting until the right timing.

I often feel like I have to be pushed to get something done. As if there has to be a pressing reason to do something before I will really do it.

Which sounds a lot like procrastination…and probably is, a lot of the time.

Like with the dishes…sigh.

They just keep piling up and piling up until there are no clean forks or butter knives and all of my favorite coffee mugs are dirty.

But that’s different than wrong timing. There’s never a wrong time to do dishes, it just feels wrong because I don’t wanna!

Going back to work after having my baby was something that I fought against within myself since day one. It’s been a little over four months since I’ve gone back, and it doesn’t feel like it’s gotten much easier. I still hate it.

But, because of the hate of going to a job I dislike and having to leave my baby at home, it pushed me to do something about it.

I finally finished my copywriting assignment with American Writers and Artists Inc. and started my blog to get my writing out of my head and into the world. I also started my first copywriting assignment and helped my boyfriend with writing emails for his real estate business, too.

And I started an Instagram page for my poetry.

It took hating my situation for me to do something to work toward changing it.

So it makes me wonder, for the two years that I had my copywriting program sitting there unfinished, was I procrastinating? Or did I just not have enough “umph” to get it going because it didn’t feel like a pressing need at that time?

Could I have done it better then?

Would I be a successful writer by now, instead of just beginning?

Or would I have given up or lost interest because the fire wasn’t fully lit yet?

Would I have even started a blog then?

Or maybe it would’ve been the same, but also maybe not, because I have changed in the past two years and have more to say now and a different reason pushing me to get up and get out there.

It’s really hard to say what could’ve or would’ve happened.

But all I can say is that I am glad I’m doing it now.

I’m glad that I am in my shoes at this time. That I’m excited about writing right now. That I have things to say. That I don’t know exactly where I’ll end up, but am excited for the journey of getting there.

Maybe I wouldn’t have been this excited or consistent if I had finished everything back then.

Who really knows?

In saying this, I believe that I am right where I should be, whether it seems “late” or not.

My right timing is right now.

Another definition of procrastination, from is “to defer action; delay: to procrastinate until an opportunity is lost.”

That’s a good differentiation between procrastinating and not being the right timing.

If you procrastinate turning in an assignment for school, for example, or applying for a job, those are situations that you can miss.

You can end up getting a bad grade, and not getting the job.

The right time for those types of things is right now.

Verses something that you have put off until you get it done, and the opportunity isn’t missed.

– except for dishes, that doesn’t count. I always procrastinate dishes…and they never go away.

So, I challenge you to look at your life and see what you may be putting off and try to identify the reason you are putting it off.

Do you just need to figure out the next steps to get it done?

Do you need more information?

Or do you need to just get up and do it?

Either way, stop feeling bad about where you are in your life right now.

You are where you are supposed to be, and you’ll go where you are supposed to go.

When we let go of the guilt for where we are, we can get to where we need to be.

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One thought on “Procrastination, Or Not the Right Timing?

  1. Wow Melissa, that was great insight.I am really impressed. You have grown in wisdom. You are not the little girl who left home 6 years ago. you are amazing. i miss you greatly. Your Mom and I are gleaning from your wisdom and insight. thank you

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