The Umph

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I have a confession…I found AWAI’s training program over two years ago now, paid for it and started working on it.

But…here I am, still not done with it.

I’m stuck on a practice article/sales copy that I’m supposed to write according to the information that was provided. I’ve read through the section twice now, but for some reason, it’s so difficult to do. I’ve broken all of the different aspects of the copy into different saved files in the same folder so that it’s easier to focus on one section at a time.

I have done some work on it, but the main body of the copy is the hard part – the actual meat is hard to cook!

I’ve tried and tried to sit down and work on it, but it keeps just not getting done.

Is it maybe writer’s block?

Or did I lose my “umph” that I started the program with?

Anyone else feel like you get “the umph” to do something but it goes away halfway through?

You so badly want to do that thing and you know that it needs to be done, but for whatever reason, you just can’t finish it.

I think this is a big reason why everyone can’t be their own boss. The discipline to really make yourself do something just isn’t strong enough.

But, as someone who is trying to become my own boss, to create a better life for myself and my family, it is a MUST to learn!

And coupled with the discipline of just doing it, I also need to learn how to keep that “umph” when I get it.

You need passion and inspiration so that your work is good and will stand out to whoever reads it.

Now, I absolutely love to read and I love to write, but for whatever reason it’s hard write when it actually matters. 

But then sometimes, it seems easier to write real things, as in not a practice exercise. I helped a realtor friend of mine out by writing an email for the next steps in the process of selling a home, because he had some clients feel like they had no idea what to do next, and an email explaining it was just the answer he needed to give them the basics.

I’m also helping my mother with her own web page and it’s very exciting! I can see how it needs to be and can articulate exactly what needs to happen.

But for my writing, it’s not as clear.

The “can’t see the forest for the trees” saying seems very fitting right now.

There’s too many trees blocking my brain so I can’t see the big picture to actually get it done.

Although blogging is proving to be helpful. Here, I can practice just getting my words out, and it’s easy to delete and go back and edit. It’s not scary at all! 

In saying all of this, it is not to get judged or put myself down, but to get my challenges out and hold myself accountable.

I usually hate telling people what I’m currently working on, because I hate the criticism, disapproval, unwanted advice, etc. that comes with it.

I also hate being a failure (who doesn’t??), so it’s easier to just not say anything so no one else knows I’m a failure, but I’m going to stand strong here and put myself out here to begin to help myself.

So, my goal right now is to finish my AWAI assignment by the end of January! (realistic expectations, after all I do work full time and have a seven-month old baby).

To complete that goal, I will work on it over the weekends and possibly weekdays to add anything extra to it. It might even be best to work on it after I type up a blog so that my “creative juices” are already flowing. In fact, I will work on it right now after I publish this post.

Wish me luck!

Edit: I almost met my goal. I submitted my assignment for review on February 4th. So close, but not too bad, honestly. I am pretty proud of myself to getting to it and finishing up. I was able to get my “umph” back and follow through with it 🙂

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