There Are No Rights or Wrongs In Life

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Out of all of the choices we have and all of the options out there, it’s so easy to feel like we have made the wrong choice or worry that we will make the wrong choice.

And often times, it holds us back from doing anything.

Before I continue, I want to exclude actual wrong things from what I’m talking about here. Basically anything that hurts another is obviously wrong.

What I’m talking about is when you make a choice for your life.

School, relationships, moving, career, traveling, etc. These are things that we second guess all the time and wonder if we made the right decision.

We all worry about what is right or wrong for our lives.

I used to be frozen, just waiting for life to happen and waiting for someone to give me the “okay” to do something, because I didn’t trust that I would make the right choice.

I went to a church for 15 years and thought that was where I was going to stay forever, but things started getting controlling, to where I couldn’t make my own decisions without someone butting in and telling me their opinion. Which led to me waiting for someone to tell me what to do, instead of making my own choices and going with my gut.

But when I wanted something bad enough, my eyes were opened to how free I wasn’t. And I wanted to be free.

So, I decided to leave that church that I once never saw myself without.

At the same time, I started dating someone that lived in a different state.

I also decided to move away from my family a few months later and truly make a life for myself.

All of these things almost gave me an ulcer with all of the worrying that I did. I did not want to make a wrong choice. But over the past couple of years, I realized that there really is no right or wrong decision.

I am where I am and it’s right where I should be.

The choices that I made led me to be a mother to the most adorable little human in the world. They led me to be a homeowner and to find a great job that supported my family. They led me to be independent and to have the freedom to choose what and who I want in my life. And they led me to be a writer.

If I had chosen to stay at the church, or not date my boyfriend, or not move away, it also would have been the right decision and I would also be right where I should be, even though it would be different than where I am now.

But I have to say, that I am very happy with my decisions.

I believe that there are many paths that will still take us to where we need to be. There may be different lessons on each path and you won’t end up exactly the same, but I do think that you still end up in essentially the same place.

As long as you are chasing your dreams and your heart’s desire, you really cannot make a bad decision.

You can’t let the worry of being wrong hold you back from what’s right.

Go out and do the thing you’ve been stalling doing.

Go be the person you’ve been scared to be.

Write the book you’ve been wanting to write, waiting for the “right” time to write it.

Go to school for what you want to do.

Make yourself happy.

You are in control.

We’ve heard the saying that when you’re old, you don’t regret what you did do, you regret what you didn’t do.

I let people talk me out of things that I wished I had done. And if they ended up not working out, I would have learned it for myself, but at least I would have gone for it.

It’s worse to hold back.

Life is meant to be lived open armed and wide eyed.

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5 thoughts on “There Are No Rights or Wrongs In Life

  1. Life is not meant to be stagnant, and growth only happens when you step out into the unknown. It’s scary, and definitely not easy, but I’ve found the greatest reward comes from risking my comfort zone. Like you, I’ve worried and agonized over every decision, but those times when I just got out and made a change, I’ve never regretted it. =)

    1. Too true. And you get a sense of pride when you step out, especially when it turns out to be the best decision, which is honestly usually is.

  2. That’s true. It’s so much better to go for it and make a mistake than not even try and regret not knowing the outcome later in life. It can be super challenging, especially with big life decisions.

    1. Absolutely! Decisions are scary, but it’s so important to make one and just go for it.

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